Ways of Effectively Managing Erosion Problems on a Construction Site

An efficient storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPP) is not complete without including techniques and practices to control erosion and sediment. Erosion reduces the quality of the soil due to the loss of the nutrient rich upper layers. Since eroded soils become preferentially depleted over time, their ability to hold water is affected, and this can result in drainage problems in the future. Controlling water runoff on the site can go a long way in minimizing erosion problems and reducing the environmental impact of the project. Read on for some useful insights into how to manage erosion problems and preserve the quality of the soil on a construction site.

Limit Soil Disturbance

During construction projects, there is a tendency to disturb soil at various areas on the site, even those that are not necessarily being developed. This act can trigger or worsen erosion and sediment problems on the site. When starting the project, limit earthmoving and general ground disturbance activities to the area set aside for construction. Also, consider dividing the project into phases to minimize and centralize erosion problems to small areas. This will make it easy to control the problem as compared to when the problem cuts across the entire site.

Employ Soil Stabilization Techniques

Soil stabilization is a great way of controlling sediment and erosion on the site. It strengthens the soil and increases its load bearing capacity when there is a storm water runoff. Some techniques are temporary, and they include using blankets, mulching, seeding, and utilizing wool binders. Permanent methods of stabilization such as permanent seeding, green buffer, and channel stabilization can also be used. Another great way of stabilizing the soil is by preserving the site's natural features such as trees and vegetation.

Redirect Runoff

You can prevent erosion by redirecting water just before it gets to your construction site. This is achieved through creating sediment traps or similar structures. The storm water is directed to the areas where the traps are built through the use of diversion ditches. Make the ditches on the up-slope side of the site for maximum efficiency.  Once the water is collected in the traps, it can be managed properly through the SWPPP that has been put in place. When done correctly, this technique can efficiently protect the soil on your construction site from erosion.

Follow these tips to manage storm water runoff and prevent erosion on your construction site. Also, pay attention to any regulations that may be put in place concerning SWPPP on project sites to ensure proper adherence.
